Beginner’s Guide: How To Make Games For Android

Almost everyone owns a smartphone, be it an iOS or Android mobile phone. Due to this reason, the mobile gaming market, especially for Android smartphones has inevitably increased. So, if you are someone who has to wonder about how to make games for android smartphones, then this article will give you a glimpse of 7 easy steps to make an engaging video game for android phones from scratch.

1. Do Prior Planning

Doing proper prior planning is essential to create a great game. Before you plan on making a new game you need to know what is it that you plan to make. Are you planning to make a simple puzzle game or else a side scroller? Will be a 3D game or a 2D one? Come up with unique styles, colors, characters, and even a unique style of gameplay to create a fascinating game for android devices.

2. Select Software

To make a video game interesting yet easy to play is also an art. So, make use of advanced tools and coding to formulate a creative gaming experience. An experience that is easy to understand and play. Some common software used to make games for android is Unity, Unreal Development Kit, and GameSalad.

3. Emphasize On Learning Language Programming

Even though you have developed a proper understanding to select the right software, sacrificing on learning language programming would not be a wise thing. Learning language programming such as C#, an object-oriented language programming, would definitely make a sound decision, especially for Unity android game developers.

4. Begin Your Project

It might feel quite intimidating to begin creating your game for android phones. However, keeping things simple and as it is will aid determining quick results. Use the most basic mechanics as well as rules whenever you make a game for android. After you have finally designed the first level of your game for android. You can then focus on testing and finally on creating a user-friendly interface.

5. Implement the Graphics You Want To Bring to Life

When it comes to implementing graphics, there are mainly two choices available. These are creating the graphics of the android game yourself in Photoshop and similar platforms. The other way is to outsource the graphics of your android game from another graphic designer. You can find plenty of such designing services online.

6. Elevate Your Gameplay

Just knowing how to make games for android is not enough. If you want your game for android to be loved and appreciated in a real sense, then making a game that players would always be eager to play should be your goal. Just going the extra mile, in this case, will add a lot more appeal to your game for android.

7. Finally, Release Your Game

Don’t keep delaying releasing your game for android. Don’t run after perfection. You can always improve your game for android through consistent updates. And if you are releasing your game for android with a motive to make money out of its release. Then, don’t forget to prepare a practical and feasible marketing budget.

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